Sunday 13 January 2013

Teacher`s as a Double Profession


"Then they asked Him, saying: ``Teacher, we know that You say and teach rightly and You do not show personal favouritism, but teach the way of God in truth" 
                                                                                                    -Luke 20:21-

             In my first part of view, being a teacher is not easy.Teacher as a double profession because it is not easy for them to teach us and being a mother for their children.They do everything for the better of their students to learn more from them.As fact, Teachers also can a good influence to their students.

             In writing this article, it is my Honor to write about my teachers in this University which I admire most.They teach us well.They set as a good example not only one but everyone around them.And I know being a teacher is a hard to reach.

             But if you have courage and perseverance you will reach this profession.They are not also a teacher but also a mother and a wife.They also taking care of their family.Their family is their inspiration and they work hard to sustain the needs of their children.To give them a better future.Though this, I love my teachers who teach me until I will graduate.And I know they will not regret to teach everyday.

             Therefore,I conclude teacher has a very big part in our daily lives.I have a very big respect to them.And now, I prove that teacher is a Hero.Not for saving life but a Hero for teaching individual`s life. 

-Ghea Jovil Tejamo -

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